There are times in our lives when we face physical, emotional, and environmental challenges. Sometimes we feel tired, lack interest in activities, or sleep too little or too much. Depression, or as some call it, “the blues”, is a very treatable condition. We are here to help!
Research shows that talking about their worries with a therapist helps many people to feel better. Medication may help as well. The combination of medication and psychotherapy is often the most effective treatment.
Mendocino Coast Clinics offers both medical and behavioral treatment of depression and a wide variety of behavioral issues. Qualified, licensed psychologists and social workers provide psychotherapy. Case managers provide additional support for linkages to community resources as well as substance abuse issues.
These services are offered to adults of all ages and children ages 6-18. A Spanish speaking therapist is available to work with both adults and children.
These services are available to patients 18 years and older.