If you could make $10,000 in 10 minutes, would you do it?
Of course you would! That’s why you should respond to the Census.
Each and every one of us here in Mendocino County represents $1,000 a year in federal resources. The Census is only done every 10 years, so that means we can bring $10,000 per person back to our community.
Get your hard-earned tax dollars back and working for you, your family, and your neighbors. Federal resources are allocated based on population, and if they don’t know we’re here, we won’t get the money for important things that affect us all, like repairing our roads, educating our children, and fighting wildfires, like the Oak Fire and the August Complex Fire.
It’s never been easier to respond to the Census. You can do so on line:
or by phone:
English: 844-330-2020
Spanish: 844-468-2020
It is completely confidential and your responses cannot be used against you in any way.
So what are you waiting for? Respond to the Census today, and help yourself, your family, and your community! #2020census