Hello Mendocino County Voters!
It’s time to vote!
Our ballots will be mailed out this week, starting on October 5. You can mail yours back, or drop them off at a location close to you.
There is a 24/7 ballot drop off box in the parking lot in the county complex on Low Gap Road in Ukiah.
A 24/7 ballot drop off box is coming to each these locations:
Fort Bragg City Hall
Willits City Hall
Point Arena City Hall
Ballots in the Fort Bragg box will be picked up by a County Official every two days.
There will be information about ballot drop off boxes in our ballot packets, or you can click here for more information:
Questions? Contact Mendocino County Elections at 234-6819 or go to www.mendocinocounty.org.
Your vote is your voice – make it heard loud and clear! #vote2020 #yourvoiceyourvoice