MCC is a Federally Qualified Health Center, so we receive funding from the federal government. And receiving that money means we are held to a very high standard in the way we run our clinic and care for our patients. It also means that the Feds examine us very closely every three years to make sure we are meeting these requirements. The requirements are covered by 93 different categories, ranging from providing sliding scale discounts, accessible language for non-English speakers, our board of directors composition and oversight and a full range of required primary care services. In addition to those required services, MCC provides many of the eligible additional services, and the review team was extremely impressed with our ability to meet the community’s needs.
And meet them we did! At our operational site visit this month, MCC received a perfect score in all 93 categories. One of the three examiners noted that in her 30 year career, she had only seen one other health center receive a perfect score. All three examiners were impressed with our clinics, our staff, and our wide range of services to all ages, our deep collaboration throughout the County and our ability to “grow our own” workforce. It’s how we provide the #bestcareanywhere!