
October 17, 2024 0
As we continue to celebrate MCC’s 30th anniversary, our Medical Director, Dr. Lawrence Goldyn, reflects on his 20 year career at MCC and reminds everyone: it’s time for your flu and COVD shots. Give us a call at (707) 964-1251 to schedule your appointment.
Thank you to Dr. Goldyn for the reminder and for all he does for our community!

October 15, 2024 0
Wondering if you qualify for Medi-Cal healthcare coverage? Learn how to apply here.
Or give us a call at (707) 964-1251 and ask to make an appointment with one of MCC’s patient advocates. They will walk you through the application process step by step. We are here to help!

October 15, 2024 0
¿Se pregunta si califica para Medi-Cal para la cobertura de atención médica? Aprenda cómo aplicar aquí.
O llámenos al (707) 964-1251 y solicite programar una cita con uno de los asistentes de salud comunitaria de MCC. Ellos le guiarán paso a paso a través del proceso de solicitud. ¡Estamos aquí para ayudar!

October 11, 2024 0
COVID vaccine appointments can now be scheduled at MCC for patients with Medicare, private insurance, and those who are uninsured or whose insurance will not cover the vaccine.
If you are a Medi-Cal patient, you must get your COVID vaccine during a medical visit. Medi-Cal will not pay for vaccines given outside of a visit with your medical provider.
Please contact your pharmacy if you need a vaccine sooner than your next visit for Medi-Cal patients or if there is any need to get the vaccine outside of the hours of Monday to Friday 9:00-5:00 pm for any other patient covered by other types of insurance.
Parents looking to get COVID vaccines for their children need to contact MCC’s pediatric clinic at (707) 964-5696.

October 11, 2024 0
Ya pueden programar citas para la vacuna contra COVID en MCC para pacientes con Medicare, seguro privado y aquellos que no tienen seguro o cuyo seguro no cubrirá la vacuna.
Si Ud. es paciente de Medi-Cal, debe recibir la vacuna durante una visita médica. Medi-Cal no pagará las vacunas administradas fuera de una visita a su proveedor médico.
Comuníquese con su farmacia si necesita una vacuna antes de su próxima visita para pacientes de Medi-Cal o si es necesario recibir la vacuna fuera del horario de lunes a viernes de 9:00 a 5:00 p. m. para cualquier otro paciente cubierto por otros tipos de seguros.
Los padres que deseen vacunar a sus hijos contra el COVID deben comunicarse con la clínica pediátrica de MCC al (707) 964-5696.

October 10, 2024 0
It’s that time of year, when we all have an abundance of apples! Our Registered Dietitian Susie comes to the rescue, with an easy, healthy recipe for applesauce. Enjoy, and happy Fall! 🍎🍂
• 4 apples, peeled, cored and chopped
• 3/4 cup water
• 1 teaspoon lemon juice
• 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan set over medium-high heat. Bring mixture to a boil.
2. Reduce the heat to low, cover, and simmer for about 20 minutes or until the apples are tender.
3. Mash the apples with a potato masher or use an immersion (stick) blender to puree the apples for a smoother consistency. Allow to cool before serving.

October 7, 2024 0
We have even more reasons to celebrate this PA Week with the arrival of Gretchen Duran, PA, who recently joined our team. Gretchen wears many hats, dividing her time between pediatrics, women’s health, and urgent care. Welcome, Gretchen!
Gretchen joins our wonderful PAs, Nate Lane in primary care and James Thomas, who divides his time between primary care and behavioral health.
We’d also like to thank recurring guest star Debra Tomaszewski, a traveling PA who has come back to work at our South Street medical clinic for the past three years. We are hoping she will be back in the new year.
We are so lucky to have these amazing clinicians on our staff. Happy PA Week to PAs everywhere, but especially to the best PAs anywhere, who always give the #bestcareanywhere to MCC’s patients!

September 25, 2024 0
September 25 is National Psychotherapy Day! We are proud of our team of dedicated and compassionate therapists. Remember, counseling/therapy isn’t just for times when life seems tough. It can help you learn more about yourself, your relationships, and your visions for your life.
If you need someone to talk to, we are here for you! Just give us a call at (707) 961-3492 to make an appointment.

September 17, 2024 0

September is #NationalSuicidePreventionMonth. The National Suicide Prevention Hotline can be reached by calling or texting 988. Please don’t hesitate to get help or support.


August 30, 2024 0
[Versión en español a continuación]
We are closed on Monday, September 2 in honor of Labor Day. We will reopen Tuesday, September 3.
Remember, we are always there for you, whether it’s a holiday or a working day. Just call us at 964-1251 and our on-call provider will be glad to call you back.
Have a happy and safe Labor Day weekend!
Estamos cerrados el lunes, 2 de septiembre, en honor del Día de Trabajo. Volveremos a abrir el martes 3 de septiembre.
Recuerde, siempre estamos a su disposición, ya sea dia festivo o laboral. Simplemente llámenos al 964-1251 y nuestro proveedor de guardia estará encantado de devolverle la llamada.
¡Que tengan un feliz y seguro fin de semana del Día de Trabajo!

Copyright by Mendocino Coast Clinics. All rights reserved. This Health Center receives HHS funding and has Federal PHS deemed status with respect to certain health or health-related claims, including medical malpractice claims, for itself and its covered individuals. This Health Center is a Health Center Program grantee under 42 U.S.C. 245b, and deemed a Public Health Service employee under 42 U.S.C. 233 (g)-(n). Any claim filed against MCC must be done in federal court.