Now more than ever, having health insurance is critical.
During this pandemic, thousands of people are affected by income loss, reduced hours and layoffs, leaving many without health insurance coverage. If you’ve been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, you may qualify for coverage through Covered California, even if you were not eligible before, or your costs may be lower. ??????? ?????????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??? ??????????? ????? ??? ??? ?? ????.
If you experience what Covered California calls a “qualifying life event”, you can enroll in a health plan through Covered California outside the open-enrollment period. People who already have a plan through Covered California who experience a qualifying life event can change their coverage or choose a new plan.
Wondering what a “qualifying life event” is? They include:
– Loss of job or new job
– Marriage or divorce
– Having or adopting a child
If you’re not sure if you qualify, or need help choosing a plan, call 964 1251 for an appointment with one of our Patient Advocates, who are also Certified Enrollment Counselors for Covered California. This service is free, confidential, and available to all.