We are delighted to announce that we have brought back acupuncture and chiropractor services! Welcome back to Dr. Jim Young and acupuncturists Jason Moore and Bess Donley!
Our thanks go out to Zaida at the Wellness Center and the team at Sequoia Circle for getting the new workflows and patient schedules in place to make this happen. Our patients are thrilled to see these providers again!
Lobbies remain closed at all MCC sites, but we are slowly increasing “in person” appointments.
Every patient and visitor is provided with a mask for in clinic visits. All patients and visitors are required to use the provided hand sanitizer as they enter the building. Remember that keeping your hands as clean as possible, wearing a mask when near others, and observing social distancing guidelines are still key to keeping each other and ourselves safe here at work and out there in the world.
Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay well.