October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
When the pandemic hit, many of us let our regular preventive care screenings, like Pap tests and mammograms, slide. We were sheltering in place, and many health facilities were limiting services or not seeing patients in person.
Now that health centers and hospitals have reopened, with vaccines and testing readily available, it’s a great time – and a safe time! – to catch up on your self-care.
If you are a woman between the ages of 50 and 74, you should get a mammogram every two years.
If you are insured through Medi-Cal, you could be eligible for a $30 gift card for completing your mammogram:
No matter what your insurance is, if you’re due for a mammogram, let your health provider know and they’ll get it scheduled for you. If you’re an MCC patient, give us a call at 964-1251 or talk to your provider at your next appointment and we’ll make sure you get this important screening.