Online Mendocino Coast AA, NA, and Al Anon Meetings Now Available

April 24, 2020 6

UPDATE: As of March 15, 2021, in person meetings are available. Here is a list of the meetings, with the in person meetings highlighted in yellow:

AA meetings on the Mendocino Coast rebounded swiftly in compliance with the Shelter-in-Place order, and they have a strong online video conference and teleconference presence.

The schedule is available here, and FAQ are here.

For more information, check the Mendocino Coast AA website or call the 24 hour hotline at 877-546-9286.

NA Meetings are being held by Zoom as follows:

Tuesday 7 pm Zoom ID 977-781-694 Password 746299

Friday 7 pm Zoom ID 848-354-123 Password 221591

Saturday & Sunday 7:30 pm Zoom ID 859-8782-2105 No Password

Al Anon via Zoom:

Updated Ukiah Al Anon Fellowship Group Meetings (as of October, 2020)

Here is the new link, meeting ID and password and phone number.

It is now the same for all three meetings.

Tues and Fri  12-1.

Sat 10:30-11:30.

Meeting ID: 664 621 6116

Passcode: 85424

One tap mobile


For information, please call Jennifer Y. at 530 514 0853 or Karen R. at 707 391 9299.


  • Heila De Swardt

    October 26, 2020 at 12:11 pm

    The 12 moon Monday el-anon meeting did not start by the host. You should not have meeting schedules on your website that does not and will not happen. Very disappointing and aggravating especially during this high time of need now


  • MCC

    October 27, 2020 at 11:26 am

    This has been updated as of October 27, 2020. Our apologies for any outdated information.


    • Heila De Swardt

      October 27, 2020 at 5:18 pm

      Thank you


  • Heila De Swardt

    October 30, 2020 at 7:30 pm

    This Friday NA meeting also did not happen. Why do you have meetings listed on your website that does not occur?
    NA Meetings are being held by Zoom as follows:

    Tuesday 7 pm Zoom ID 977-781-694 Password 746299

    Friday 7 pm Zoom ID 848-354-123 Password 221591

    Saturday & Sunday 7:30 pm Zoom ID 859-8782-2105 No Password


  • Patty F

    March 14, 2021 at 10:05 pm


    Have in person meetings started back up yet?


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