We have all been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic one way or another. Here are some resources to help you in this difficult time.
General Information:
General Coronavirus questions
Mendocino Coast Clinics has a Coronavirus Information page for these resources and more:
Public health hotline: 8 am to 8pm, 7 days a week (707) 234-6052
Food & Financial:
Cal Fresh (food stamps) food assistance for patients who have lost a job or had a reduction in hours
Pandemic EBT for Kids: This is not linked to CalFresh eligibility. School aged children who qualify for free or reduced price school meals. No application necessary. If you don’t receive a card an online application will be made available soon. No Social Security Number is necessary.
The local school districts are delivering meals and/or have pick up locations. These are subject to change, so please check your school’s website before heading over there.
http://www.mendocinousd.org/…/2873-Meal-20Service-20During-… for Mendocino Schools- pick up at Elk, Albion, Comptche school parking lots and the Mendocino K-8 sidwalk where busses drop off students.
https://sites.google.com/fbusd.us/district/covid-19-updates for Fort Bragg- Harbor RV, Woodside, Wildwood, Glass Beach Apartments, Ocean Estates are drop off points. See Facebook or the website for the times. Call 961-3521 or email pgray@fbusd.us to let the school know how many children you will pick up for. You can also pick up meals at Redwood and Dana Gray for any child under 18 Tuesdays between 11:00-1:00. Five days’ worth of meals are provided at each pick up.
Fort Bragg Unified School District also has a Parent’s Resource Page- https://sites.google.com/fbusd.us/district/parent-resources
Grocery stores offering free delivery service:
Harvest at (707) 964-7000, Mendosa’s (707) 937-5879
Unemployment Information and filing a claim-
Pharmacies are doing free deliveries and parking lot pick-ups:
– Rite Aid drive through window hours: 8am-8pm and 9-6 on Saturdays, 10-6 on Sundays. No delivery options at this time.
– CVS drive through window hours: 9-7 weekdays 10-5 on weekends. They do have deliveries and they are done though USPS and a credit card needs to be on file. They cannot send to a PO box.
– MCP is doing parking lot pick up, call the pharmacy when in the parking lot, and they are doing free delivery.
– MVP is doing delivery within a mile of highway 1 to Cleone and to Sea Ranch. They are doing parking lot pick up. Credit card on file so that it is prepaid for both services.
– Safeway is going to be doing delivery, but there may be up to $15 charge. Call 707-964-4079. Deliveries are done not over the phone but through their website:
Crisis/Mental Health Support:
• County Warm Line- 707-472-2311 County of Mendocino has a line for anyone feeling anxious or isolated or who has questions. This is a non-crisis support line
• Crisis (behavioral health) support line- 1-855-838-0404 or text TALK to 741741
• Public health hotline: 8-8 7 days a week (707) 234-6052