We were both happy and humbled to receive this beautiful card (by local artist Jon Klein) from a grateful patient, describing her experience of receiving the vaccine from MCC staff earlier this month:
“On February 4th, I got a surprise call at 7:30 pm from staff at Mendocino Coast Clinics offering me a 2:15 pm slot in Friday’s Covid vaccination clinic at the Mormon Church. When I arrived at the first station to pick up paperwork I was suddenly overwhelmed to the point of tears which surprised me. “I’m so grateful” I said. At the next station a young male LVN, Alex, quietly said, “Breathe in and now breathe out slowly” as he pinched my upper arm and gave me a painless injection.
On to the next volunteer who wrote the time on my windshield and told me where to park. The volunteer Suzan assigned to watch for reaction chatted with me about her career as a midwife, and then a friend from church drove up and we talked about the amazing clockwork coordination by your staff and volunteers. We both agreed we felt joy, gratitude and hope after this long pandemic. It was more like a community celebration than a vaccination clinic. Truly, thank you.”
Thank you to the sender of this beautiful note and all the others who have taken the time to share their stories with us. We are honored to serve our community and so glad to share a #shotofhope!