Vaccine Update

February 10, 2021 0

At MCC, we are honored to serve our community in any way we can. We are especially glad to provide ongoing, no cost COVID-19 surveillance testing and vaccinations to coastal residents. It is inspiring to share a #shotofhope with our community.

Currently, we are vaccinating those aged 75 and up, those at high risk for serious complications or mortality, and food service and agricultural workers, in accordance with the tier system. There are several hundreds of people who meet these parameters, so we ask for your patience and understanding as we vaccinate the most vulnerable members of our community first.

We know that many of you are wondering when it’s going to be your turn. Last week, we vaccinated more than 250 seniors aged 75 and up, with a few food service workers from our standby list. We were scheduling people in their 90s and mid-80s last week as we worked through the existing list of 2,500 people 75 and up. This week, we are only doing second doses, no first doses.

As for next week, that’s anyone’s guess. We never know how many vaccines we will receive, or on what day. We often have only 24 hours’ notice to call hundreds of people to set up appointments. MCC’s supply of vaccines comes from Mendocino County Public Health, and their supply comes from the State. The entire state of California is experiencing a shortage of vaccines, and that impacts our county and our clinic.

On the bright side, MCC has vaccinated more than 1,000 coastal residents so far, with our patients representing about half of these. Overall, 12,000 of Mendocino County’s 90,000 residents have been vaccinated so far. We are looking forward to continuing to vaccinate our community as supplies of the vaccines and the designated tiers allow.

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Copyright by Mendocino Coast Clinics. All rights reserved. This Health Center receives HHS funding and has Federal PHS deemed status with respect to certain health or health-related claims, including medical malpractice claims, for itself and its covered individuals. This Health Center is a Health Center Program grantee under 42 U.S.C. 245b, and deemed a Public Health Service employee under 42 U.S.C. 233 (g)-(n). Any claim filed against MCC must be done in federal court.