
March 12, 2025

Happy Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day to our amazing Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Susie Macias! Susie is our food and nutrition expert, committed to improving the health of our patients and community. Susie can help you achieve your health goals, manage chronic conditions, and just feel healthier. Whether you need a quick check in or longer-term guidance, Susie is there to help. She will meet you where you are and help your body to work better for you. If you are a patient here at MCC, her services are free of charge. Call us at (707) 964-1251 to make an appointment.


March 10, 2025
[Versión en español a continuación]
Walk in clinic is canceled for the week of March 10. Please call us at (707) 964-1251 if you have an urgent need. Thank you for your understanding.
La clínica de atención urgente ha sido cancelada la semana del 10 de marzo. Llámenos al (707) 964-1251 si tiene una necesidad urgente. Gracias por su comprensión.

March 7, 2025
[Versión en español a continuación]
Just a reminder that Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 9, 2024 at 2:00 am. Before you go to bed on Saturday night, move your clocks forward one hour to “spring forward.” There are brighter days ahead!
Solo un recordatorio de que el horario de verano comienza el domingo 9 de marzo del 2024 a las 2:00 am. Antes de irse a la cama el sábado por la noche, adelante su reloj una hora. ¡Hay días más brillantes por delante!

March 3, 2025
[Versión en español a continuación]
Smile! We are celebrating our amazing dental staff this week! The first full week in March marks Dental Assistant Week and Dentist’s Day, a time to thank these caring, highly skilled professionals for all they do to keep our patients’ smiles brighter and healthier.
We appreciate our dental staff’s hard work, cheerful smiles, and the way they make every patient, from the youngest to the oldest, feel comfortable and cared for during their visit.
¡Sonría! ¡Estamos celebrando a nuestro increíble personal dental esta semana! La primera semana completa de marzo marca la Semana del Asistente Dental y el Día del Dentista, un momento para agradecer a estos profesionales atentos y altamente capacitados por todo lo que hacen para mantener las sonrisas de nuestros pacientes más brillantes y saludables.
Apreciamos el desempeño de nuestro personal dental, sus alegres sonrisas y la forma en que hacen que cada paciente, desde el más joven hasta el más mayor, se sienta cómodo y atendido durante su visita.

February 20, 2025

MCC’s Diabetes Educator, Jenn Salyer, explains how little changes in your diet can make a positive impact on your health. Click here to read more.


February 19, 2025
We are delighted to announce that Melissa Hosier, R.N. has passed the exam to become a Certified Addictions Registered Nurse (CARN).
The addictions nursing certification requires specialized knowledge, skills, and abilities and is accredited by the Accreditation Board of Specialty Nursing Certification.
Melissa is an important part of our medication assisted treatment team. With her continued education, she will be able to support our patients with even more insight and knowledge, bringing our standard of care to a higher level.
Congratulations, Melissa!

February 14, 2025
[Versión en español a continuación]
We will be closed on Monday, February 17 to honor our great Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln on Presidents’ Day.
If you need us while the clinic is closed or after hours, just call (707) 964-1251 and our on call provider will return your call. We are always there for you!
Estaremos cerrados el lunes 17 de febrero para honrar a nuestros grandes presidentes George Washington y Abraham Lincoln en el Día de los Presidentes.
Si nos necesita mientras la clínica está cerrada o fuera del horario de atención, simplemente llame al (707) 964-1251 y nuestro proveedor de guardia le devolverá la llamada. ¡Siempre estamos ahí para ti!

February 11, 2025
MendoLatino celebrates MCC’s 30 years of serving our community with a special audio story: Where I Belong, a coming of age story of MCC and ours Executive Director, Lucresha Renteria. Listen here for the inspiring story
This is the second episode of Nuestro Norte/Our North, a blingual, community-based oral history and story telling project led by Diana Coryat and Loreto Rojas . The project documents and celebrates the arrival and growth of the Latinx community of the Mendocino Coast.

February 5, 2025
And a fabulous time was had by all! Mark your calendars for the 25th Crab Cake Cook Off & Wine Tasting Competition on February 7, 2026. See you there!
Thank you to Visit Fort Bragg, California and Barb Bruce for the amazing video!

February 3, 2025

Atención a los pacientes de MCC:

Les pedimos su paciencia en este día 2/3/2025.

Como apoyo a la protesta del Día de Inmigrantes tenemos empleados que no se han presentado a trabar.

Aquí en MCC apoyamos a la protesta y sabemos que sin embargo ustedes necesitan los servicios que ofrecemos.

Por eso estamos aquí los demás para asegurar el cuidado que necesitan nuestro pacientes

Valoramos todas las contribuciones de todo inmigrante en nuestra clínica y nuestra sociedad.

Perdonen la inconveniencia si nos tardamos en atenderlos.


Attention MCC patients:

Please have patience with us on 2/3/2025

In solidarity with the “Day Without an Immigrant“ some of our employees have chosen not to work today.

MCC supports the cause and we know that our community needs the services we provide. So the remaining staff is here to make sure you get the healthcare services you need.

We value the significant contributions immigrants make to our clinic and society as a whole.

Please excuse any inconvenience that being short staffed may cause.

Copyright by Mendocino Coast Clinics. All rights reserved. This Health Center receives HHS funding and has Federal PHS deemed status with respect to certain health or health-related claims, including medical malpractice claims, for itself and its covered individuals. This Health Center is a Health Center Program grantee under 42 U.S.C. 245b, and deemed a Public Health Service employee under 42 U.S.C. 233 (g)-(n). Any claim filed against MCC must be done in federal court.