Voting Information

August 25, 2021 0

An important and unusual election is coming up: the election deciding whether Governor Gavin Newsom should remain in office or be recalled (removed). The rules of recall elections are a little different, so we’re laying them out here for to help you have the impact you want.

The election to recall Gov. Newsom is on September 14, and it will be conducted mostly by mail. Registered California voters began receiving ballots on August 16. Voting by mail remains one of the safest ways to cast a ballot as we face an unpredictable autumn with COVID-19 and its variants, so if you can, take advantage of this opportunity to vote from home!

There will be only two questions to answer on the recall ballot. You are not required to answer both questions.

  1. Shall Gavin Newsom be recalled as governor? If you vote YES, you want him removed. If over 50% of voters answer YES, Newsom will be removed.

If you vote NO, you want him to stay in office until the end of his term (January 2, 2023). If over 50% of voters answer NO, Newsom will remain.

Regardless of how you vote on the first question you should pick a candidate from Question 2 in case the governor does get recalled.

You have until August 30 to register to vote. If you’re not sure if you’re registered, check your registration here.

You can return your ballot by mail if postmarked by September 14. You can also return it to a secure drop box, your county elections office, or a voting location. You have until 8 p.m. on September 14 to cast your ballot at these locations. A secure ballot box is available at City Hall in Fort Bragg.

Remember that collectively, we have the power to move the needle on so many important issues in California and our country by making our voices heard.

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